Techniques to increase followers on your social networks

Social media users have varied motivations for being part of them. Some people use them to keep in touch with people they know while others just want to distract their minds. As experts in Las Rozas social networks, we offer you some tips to understand your target audience and gain followers on social networks.

For some people and even for some brands, the number of followers on social networks is not a metric that worries them too much, while others consider it essential that this number constantly grows. If you belong to the latter group, then the following recommendations will be very useful.

How to gain followers on social networks?
First of all, you will have to understand how each social network works, its particularities and master the tools offered by each platform. Getting the attention of users and making them become followers is a task that requires planning and executing a strategy.

Some methods can help you, for example:

Post consistently
Consistency is one of the keys to gaining followers on social networks. It is necessary to keep the profile active to generate interaction from existing followers. When it is published regularly and the content is interesting, users can share it and expose your account to new users who potentially become followers.

Publishing fresh content constantly, but without becoming saturating, is one of the basic techniques to increase the number of followers on any social network. However, remember that the idea is not to publish whatever comes to mind, but to develop a strategy that results in sharing valuable content for your niche.

Study your audience and also your competition’s audience
To share valuable content, you need to apply one of the maxims of digital marketing: you have to know who the message is directed to. Each social network has its own type of user, with a particular behavior and therefore the same type of content works in a different way. You will have to know the audience, understand their behavior and adapt the message to them.

It would also be a good idea for you to carry out an evaluation of the social networks of your direct competition to find out how they communicate with their followers. This will help you define your own strategy, adapt it and make corrections to achieve better results over time.

Target viral content
Viral content is that which has the greatest potential to be shared by users. Depending on each person’s objectives, it may be a good resource to resort to viral content or constantly touch on trending topics related to the business niche. In fact, the profiles with the largest number of followers are usually the humorous and viral content accounts.

Why is this happening? Because people love to have fun and consume a lot of light, inconsequential content or content that generates positive emotional impact. A clear example of this would be the overwhelming amount of images and videos of cute animals playing, motivational quotes, and famous phrases.

Promote your profile and content through Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads campaigns are the safest and most efficient way to extend the reach of your publications, reach new users, attract their attention and gain followers on social networks. Of course, the negative part is that it is not an organic method, but rather an advertising investment that sometimes we are not in a position to make.

However, if you have business objectives within social platforms, you should make this investment since you will increase the chances of reaching users who are truly interested in the products or services you have to offer. Thus, in addition to gaining followers, you will also have an increase in turnover.

Establish a different strategy for each social network
As we already mentioned, each social network has a particular functioning and users behave in a different way. You don’t want to use the same tone of communication in all of them, even if the same message is always maintained. Understanding this will make the path of gaining followers a little easier.

You also don’t need to be present on all social networks. You will have to analyze your target audience and discover which platforms they invest their time on, otherwise you will be wasting resources and energy gaining followers on platforms that do not contribute to your business objectives.

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