Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer – A Review

Most dog owners acknowledge the importance of training their pets. However, many of them often make mistakes in conducting training. What’s worse is that they don’t even know they are committing these mistakes Dog trainer near me. This is the reason why professional trainer Adam Katz came up with the book “Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer.”

Katz wanted to help owners save money, time, and frustration over training failures through his book. The information and instructions contained in Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer are supposed to help you avoid common training mistakes and their disastrous consequences. The question is, “Does the book really contain the kind of useful information that it promises to give?” This brief review aims to help you decide whether Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer is the right training guide for you.

First, let’s look at what you will get when you purchase Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer. The book itself has 151 pages full of information on ownership and training. There aren’t so many pictures in the book, which means that there is indeed a great deal of information. In fact, you may have to read through it two to three times in order to have a complete grasp of the information provided.

One of the most important things you learn upon reading Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer is that the problems owners face are universal and so are the solutions to these problems. Here are some of the general principles that you need to apply when trying to solve dog problems:

  • Training must work towards building a dog-owner relationship that is based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Positive reinforcement and calm behaviour correction always works better than punishment.
  • Use your dog’s natural instincts to your advantage during training.
  • Dogs don’t speak English, so you need to learn to communicate with your pet such that he understands exactly what you expect him to do; it may be best to mimic the way dogs communicate among themselves (through body language).

Basically, as long as you apply these principles in training then you’re most likely to succeed. Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer contains tips and advice not only on actual dog training, but also on choosing the right dog, on a dog’s growing-up needs, and choosing the right collar, among other things. It also contains a portion where you are told how professional trainers like the author himself raise their own dogs.

Aside from the main Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer book, you also get several bonuses when you make the purchase. These bonuses include three other books that specifically tackle the subjects of establishing yourself as the Alpha Dog, fixing dog aggression, training your dog to walk with a collar and leash, and choosing a veterinarian. You also get lists of where to buy wholesale dog products and websites on dog training. Finally, you get $25 worth of free E-mail consultation with the author himself.

All in all, Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer is probably the most complete and comprehensive dog training guide on the market today. And while it can benefit all dog owners, it can be especially useful to first time owners who want to train their dogs in the comfort of their own homes.

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