5 Tips and Tricks for Clicker Training

Do you want to improve your relationship with your dog? Teach him some exciting tricks or break him up with unwanted behaviors? You can combine all this in a single discipline Puppy Dog Training. Many dogs are happy if you spend a lot of time with them and show them what you expect from them with specific rewards. So that your dog doesn’t start begging or becoming overweight due to too many snacks, I recommend clicker training. A professional clicker training with varied workouts can help bring specific reward wonders.

What is clicker training for dogs?
Clicker training is a science-based method of communicating with your dog. The method is called marker training. This means that the animal is conditioned to a certain “marker,” such as a sound or word, which is always followed by a positive confirmation. A sound that always remains the same is the most suitable. In the case of clicker training, it is the click sound of the clicker. The method is suitable for dogs of all breeds and ages.

With clicker training you have the possibility of showing your dog which of its displayed behaviors are desired. You can not only teach him good tricks, but also use the method in basic training or dog sports. This type of training is so effective because you can use the clicker to reinforce and accurately praise the behavior displayed and can be easily integrated into daily walks.a great activity for many dogs. Additionally, the training is absolutely non-violent, which is particularly beneficial for shy and fearful dogs.

First steps in clicker training
Before you can start training, it is best to use food to make it clear to your dog that the clicker is doing a . Later, you don’t have to give a reward after each click and your dog still knows that he did something right. intervals between noise and food, etc. You will notice that after a short time your dog understands that a reward will follow the sound. It’s best to start with treats that your dog really likes and that he doesn’t normally get. For example, you can use a piece of sausage or roast beef. After a few repetitions, you can increase the Click – Reward, Click – Reward, Click – Reward.

5 Tips and Tricks for Right Click Training

  1. Timing counts
    The most important thing for successful clicker training is time. As soon as your dog shows good behavior, the click should be immediate. If you click 2 seconds later, the dog can no longer relate this to the behavior shown before. You can take your time with the treat reward. However, especially at first, it’s important to use treats that taste great. Additionally, you should not force the dog to do anything during training and individual exercises should be short. I prefer to train shorter, but more frequently.
  2. Reward instead of punishment
    Similarly, you should move away from the idea that you should immediately punish your dog for unwanted behavior. Clicker training is rather designed to encourage good behavior and therefore to eliminate. When your dog has learned that he has to do something for a click, he will spontaneously begin to behave to get the click. It is particularly important to have the clicker with you at all times and react immediately if it displays the desired behavior.more effective than any punishment. For example, if you want your dog to stop pulling on the leash, you can simply click whenever the leash is loose. Therefore, you will quickly notice for yourself that it is advantageous not to pull.
  3. Every dog ​​learns differently
    In principle, you can start the training of the clicker at any time. Ideally, you will get your four-legged friend used to it at an early age. At first, you can train in a playful way in the comfort of your home. You should make the speed of training entirely dependent on your dog’s learning success. If your dog doesn’t do so well at first, don’t give up right away. Most of the time it’s just because you’re not clicking at the right time.
  4. Don’t rush anything
    Even if it sounds stupid, you should practice clicking at the right time without a dog. Grab a friend and a tennis ball. Your training partner drops the ball to the ground and your task is to click at the exact moment it hits the ground. You will see how difficult it is! Once you have successfully mastered this, it is best not to jump right into the things you want to teach your dog or wean him off of. It’s best to start with some simple exercises that are easier for both of you to learn. After all, they are both beginners in the new training method.
  5. Find the right clicker
    Buying a suitable clicker is essential if you want to start training. There are a variety of different clickers with different sounds and sizes . Some have a push-button, some have a push-button, and some even have adjustable pitch. It is best to use a clicker with a strap so you can easily hang it around your wrist and always have it at hand. Of course, you can also choose from countless different colors and shapes.

Benefits of clicker training
Even if it seems like a lot of effort now, I can promise you that regular clicker training will have a positive effect on you and your dog. This is also how you teach your dog to respect you and be obedient. In short, well-structured clicker training can greatly improve the relationship between humans and dogs and ensure a long friendship.

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