Real-Looking Hair Wigs with Spectrophotometry Analysis

The Industry of artificial wig making is successfully growing these days. Every year, more and more consumers are purchasing artificial wigs and hair extensions to apply latest fashion trends on them or enhance their hair appearance and make them look fuller and healthier hair extensions burnaby.

The Industry of artificial wig making is successfully growing these days. Every year, more and more consumers are purchasing artificial wigs and hair extensions to apply latest fashion trends on them or enhance their hair appearance and make them look fuller and healthier.  However, our modern generation customers have become more particular about investing a single penny in artificial wigs, they demand a higher standard of quality and real-looking hair wigs comparative to past wig makers. The customer today want more realistic appearance in their wigs starting from the fiber texture to the color layers in the dye. In order to generate such real-looking hair wigs which should be trendy, and fashionable, the wig makers must invest into a hi-tech generation of spectrophotometer for evaluation of color in multi-dimensions.

Why Artificial Fibers for Wig Making and not Real Hair?

As per the market research, it has been observed that plenty of manufacturers and consumers opt for artificial fiber or hair instead of real biological hair. This is major because of costing and availability. Formulating Biological hairs is a time taking the process and is a costly affair. It also needs a difficult production process to manufacture material on a mass level. Comparatively, the artificial fiber used for wig making nowadays are far more economical for both producers and consumers. The fibers can be produced on a mass level within a short period of time. No need to wait for the hairs to grow naturally. Majorly artificial wigs are sold in the market at a cheap rate which of course depends on its quality too. But, still, even the highest quality of the artificial wig is cheaper than biologically grown wigs. One of the greatest plus points for opting artificial hairs and extensions is that they have a natural tendency to retain the dye color for a longer period of time compared to biological hairs. The color in real human hairs can lose easily after multiple washing or styling process. And when such thing happens, the customer either invest in its re-dying process or purchase a new wig. But artificial fibers don’t lose the dye color so easily even post washing heavily.

The major issue which appears in the marketing of the artificial wigs is their unnatural appearance. Also, they feel less real compared to biological hairs, and this occurs especially when the dying process is conducted incorrectly. One of the biggest mistakes wig makers commit is dying the wig in one flat color or utilizing very shiny fibers which seem unnatural. This is where the need for an accurate color detection system arises.

To generate more real-looking hair wig, one must dye the artificial fibers in multi-dimensions because this way they will appear more like natural hairs. In case you observe a biological hair closely, it will be seen that the hairs are not always of one same color from start to end, they show distinct variation in their shade throughout the length. At a particular distance, the hair may look as one color, but when looked closely, the variations can be seen. The best spectrophotometer can assist in evaluating the exact combination of colors used in a dye which will appear more realistic for wig manufacturing and can deliver a consistent color assessment that is more trustworthy than the human eye.

The color testing device can easily inspect minute deflection in color post heavy washing process. To initiate the test, simply take a wig sample right after its dyeing process and then wash the sample with a strong shampoo. If it is detected that the color has been faded post washing, the dye color will be proved to be not strong enough. By conducting such advance testing procedure for color consistency one can assure that the wigs and extensions won’t lose their color quality even after multiple uses.

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